시간의 장벽을 넘는 것 130.3cm x 130.3cm Oil on canvas 2024
작가는 다정함의 영향력이 시공간을 넘나들 수 있다고 생각합니다. 과거의 다정함으로부터 우리가 태어났듯이 지금 이 순간 우리가 행하는 다정함도 미래에 영향을 주겠지요. 화면 속 두 인물이 마주한 온기는 다른 시공간의 누군가와도 연결되어 있습니다. 주변부로는 다정한 시간들을 양분 삼아 열매가 열려있습니다.

시간의 장벽을 넘는 것 130.3cm x 130.3cm Oil on canvas 2024작가는 다정함의 영향력이 시공간을 넘나들 수 있다고 생각합니다. 과거의 다정함으로부터 우리가 태어났듯이 지금 이 순간 우리가 행하는 다정함도 미래에 영향을 주겠지요. 화면 속 두 인물이 마주한 온기는 다른 시공간의 누군가와도 연결되어 있습니다. 주변부로는 다정한 시간들을 양분 삼아 열매가 열려있습니다.
의지를 머금은 열매 Ø40cm Oil on canvas 2024
다정한 시간이 응축된 열매를 들고 있는 사람은 화면 밖을 응시합니다. 작가의 작품 속에 등장하는 갖가지 열매의 형상은 시간성을 보여주는 요소입니다. 다정한 생각과 행동, 다시 말해 의지가 응축된 열매는 우리의 미래를 상징하기도 합니다.

의지를 머금은 열매 Ø40cm Oil on canvas 2024다정한 시간이 응축된 열매를 들고 있는 사람은 화면 밖을 응시합니다. 작가의 작품 속에 등장하는 갖가지 열매의 형상은 시간성을 보여주는 요소입니다. 다정한 생각과 행동, 다시 말해 의지가 응축된 열매는 우리의 미래를 상징하기도 합니다.
의지와 사람과 풍경들 100cm x 80.3cm Oil on canvas 2024
기다란 잎을 가진 식물 화분을 든 인물이 어딘가로 나아갑니다. 인물이 지나간 곳에는 대지의 구성 요소가 나타납니다. 작가는 다정함의 힘을 가진 초인의 모습을 상상하며 이 작품을 그렸습니다. 만약 다정한 세계에 관한 창세 신화가 있다면 어떤 모습일까요? 구름처럼 보이는 세 얼굴은 땅의 탄생을 기뻐하는 듯 보입니다.

의지와 사람과 풍경들 100cm x 80.3cm Oil on canvas 2024기다란 잎을 가진 식물 화분을 든 인물이 어딘가로 나아갑니다. 인물이 지나간 곳에는 대지의 구성 요소가 나타납니다. 작가는 다정함의 힘을 가진 초인의 모습을 상상하며 이 작품을 그렸습니다. 만약 다정한 세계에 관한 창세 신화가 있다면 어떤 모습일까요? 구름처럼 보이는 세 얼굴은 땅의 탄생을 기뻐하는 듯 보입니다.
이름을 되찾는 사람 53cm x 45.5cm, Oil on canvas, 2024
작가의 과거 작품에는 세상을 변화시키기 위해 행동하는 베일을 쓴 인물이 자주 등장했습니다. 세상을 변화시키려는 움직임에는 늘 위험이 도사리기에 작가는 인물들에게 베일을 씌워 익명성을 주고 보호하려 했습니다. 이 작품 속에서는 그 베일을 벗겨주고 있습니다. 작품 속의 세계는 다정함으로 충분히 물들어 더 이상 이름을 감추지 않아도 되기 문입니다. 인물 주변의 조형물은 이들을 보호하는 모든 염원의 상징처럼 보입니다. 곧 베일을 벗게 될 인물의 손에는 조화와 협력의 상징인 실뜨기 놀이를 연상케 하는 형상이 있습니다.

이름을 되찾는 사람 53cm x 45.5cm, Oil on canvas, 2024작가의 과거 작품에는 세상을 변화시키기 위해 행동하는 베일을 쓴 인물이 자주 등장했습니다. 세상을 변화시키려는 움직임에는 늘 위험이 도사리기에 작가는 인물들에게 베일을 씌워 익명성을 주고 보호하려 했습니다. 이 작품 속에서는 그 베일을 벗겨주고 있습니다. 작품 속의 세계는 다정함으로 충분히 물들어 더 이상 이름을 감추지 않아도 되기 문입니다. 인물 주변의 조형물은 이들을 보호하는 모든 염원의 상징처럼 보입니다. 곧 베일을 벗게 될 인물의 손에는 조화와 협력의 상징인 실뜨기 놀이를 연상케 하는 형상이 있습니다.
초록을 틔우는 방법 53.0x45.5 cm Oil on canvas 2024
전설 속의 기린은 상서로운 동물인지라 세상에 나타나면 길조로 본다고 한다. 화면 속 세계에서 이 동물은 이미 자리한다. 모든 순간이 길하기 때문이다. 화면 밖 우리의 지금 이 순간들도 얼마나 많은 기적같은 일로 이루어졌는가.

초록을 틔우는 방법 53.0x45.5 cm Oil on canvas 2024전설 속의 기린은 상서로운 동물인지라 세상에 나타나면 길조로 본다고 한다. 화면 속 세계에서 이 동물은 이미 자리한다. 모든 순간이 길하기 때문이다. 화면 밖 우리의 지금 이 순간들도 얼마나 많은 기적같은 일로 이루어졌는가.
Creating Warmth⠀60.6 x 60.6cm Oil on canvas 2023
In my artwork, the concept of "온기 (on-gi)" is always depicted as a kind of 'warmth' in the form of a flame. This warmth gains greater power not just from one person, but amplifies when two, and even more, come together. The two figures in the piece create this "온기 (on-gi)" together. And within their shared warmth, the world becomes filled with life.

Creating Warmth⠀60.6 x 60.6cm Oil on canvas 2023In my artwork, the concept of "온기 (on-gi)" is always depicted as a kind of 'warmth' in the form of a flame. This warmth gains greater power not just from one person, but amplifies when two, and even more, come together. The two figures in the piece create this "온기 (on-gi)" together. And within their shared warmth, the world becomes filled with life.
Harvesting Warmth⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
My childhood is filled with memories of assisting my grandmother with farming in a small rural village. The fertile soil and the plants that grew from it have always remained in my memory. The crops that grow in the fields and paddies are imbued with the farmer's love, aspirations, and determination. In that light, I've often thought that a certain kind of warmth or tenderness might just sprout from the earth. If the 'will of all those moments' and 'warmth' were to grow and become ready for harvest, I feel as if they could be pulled up just like root vegetables.

Harvesting Warmth⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023My childhood is filled with memories of assisting my grandmother with farming in a small rural village. The fertile soil and the plants that grew from it have always remained in my memory. The crops that grow in the fields and paddies are imbued with the farmer's love, aspirations, and determination. In that light, I've often thought that a certain kind of warmth or tenderness might just sprout from the earth. If the 'will of all those moments' and 'warmth' were to grow and become ready for harvest, I feel as if they could be pulled up just like root vegetables.
Beholder⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
This artwork, depicting someone's hand gesture intently observing something, illustrates that 'warmth' is always present everywhere in the world. When we decide to see warmth, we can discover it all around us. The owner of this hand is also focused on warmth. Thus, for this person, the world is brimming with tenderness.

Beholder⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023This artwork, depicting someone's hand gesture intently observing something, illustrates that 'warmth' is always present everywhere in the world. When we decide to see warmth, we can discover it all around us. The owner of this hand is also focused on warmth. Thus, for this person, the world is brimming with tenderness.
A Seeker of Cold Hearts⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
In my childhood, I used to play around my home with a dowsing rod, searching for underground water veins. This tool often appeared on Korean TV programs in the '90s. To my young eyes, the act of finding water veins felt truly mysterious, almost like magic. What if, with a dowsing rod, we could find those with cold hearts who are unable to see the warmth in the world? In this artwork, the character roams with a dowsing rod, seeking out those with cold hearts, intent on sharing the warmth she possesses.

A Seeker of Cold Hearts⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023In my childhood, I used to play around my home with a dowsing rod, searching for underground water veins. This tool often appeared on Korean TV programs in the '90s. To my young eyes, the act of finding water veins felt truly mysterious, almost like magic. What if, with a dowsing rod, we could find those with cold hearts who are unable to see the warmth in the world? In this artwork, the character roams with a dowsing rod, seeking out those with cold hearts, intent on sharing the warmth she possesses.
The Brightest Things in the Night Air⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
Even in the cold air of the night, people's 'aspirations' and 'will' shine brightly. The warm feelings toward one another and the longing for a kind world become a bright lantern, leading those with the same heart to come together. I firmly believe this.

The Brightest Things in the Night Air⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023Even in the cold air of the night, people's 'aspirations' and 'will' shine brightly. The warm feelings toward one another and the longing for a kind world become a bright lantern, leading those with the same heart to come together. I firmly believe this.
The One Who Departed for the Night⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
Ironically, it's hard to see the beauty that light brings in a time filled with light. We usually perceive and immediately feel the beauty of a certain light when it is covered in darkness. Similarly, with the affairs of the world. Kindness feels more precious when the world seems cold and looks like a mess. The character in the artwork ventures into the night. And there, she exudes kindness. Someone will see this and recognize the strength of kindness.

The One Who Departed for the Night⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023Ironically, it's hard to see the beauty that light brings in a time filled with light. We usually perceive and immediately feel the beauty of a certain light when it is covered in darkness. Similarly, with the affairs of the world. Kindness feels more precious when the world seems cold and looks like a mess. The character in the artwork ventures into the night. And there, she exudes kindness. Someone will see this and recognize the strength of kindness.
물 아이⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2021

물 아이⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2021
Fragments of Will Becoming Stars Beyond⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023
To achieve anything, the first step is to make up your mind. We call this 'will'. Actions follow the will. These actions carry the will, spreading it throughout the world. And I firmly believe that each of these will shine like a star somewhere in the world. The characters in the artwork are sending out a common will for a more tender world. That kind-hearted will is destined to shine like a star in our world.

Fragments of Will Becoming Stars Beyond⠀53 x 45.5cm Oil on canvas 2023To achieve anything, the first step is to make up your mind. We call this 'will'. Actions follow the will. These actions carry the will, spreading it throughout the world. And I firmly believe that each of these will shine like a star somewhere in the world. The characters in the artwork are sending out a common will for a more tender world. That kind-hearted will is destined to shine like a star in our world.
온기를 떠올리는 사람⠀68 x 58cm Oil on canvas 2022

온기를 떠올리는 사람⠀68 x 58cm Oil on canvas 2022
Seeker of Warmth⠀72.7 x 90.9cm Oil on canvas 2022
People often speak of the world as a cruel place, but for those who seek tenderness, it is found in everything. The character in the artwork dove into the world in search of this tenderness. However, she didn't need to embark on a long journey. Tenderness was already right before her eyes. It is seen if you wish to see it, such is the nature of tenderness.

Seeker of Warmth⠀72.7 x 90.9cm Oil on canvas 2022People often speak of the world as a cruel place, but for those who seek tenderness, it is found in everything. The character in the artwork dove into the world in search of this tenderness. However, she didn't need to embark on a long journey. Tenderness was already right before her eyes. It is seen if you wish to see it, such is the nature of tenderness.
Person with a Dove Hat and the Age-old Tenderness⠀60.6 x 72.7cm Oil on canvas 2023
I believe that all our actions, from living in a physical body, standing on the ground, to breathing in and out, are all due to the longstanding tenderness that has continued since ancient times. We are the embodiment of this enduring tenderness. From time to time, I look at my family tree. Just think about the immense amount of care and tenderness from others that has been bestowed upon my ancestors, allowing me to be here today. Without a heart for each other, we could not have built civilization. I also think our future depends on this tender heart.

Person with a Dove Hat and the Age-old Tenderness⠀60.6 x 72.7cm Oil on canvas 2023I believe that all our actions, from living in a physical body, standing on the ground, to breathing in and out, are all due to the longstanding tenderness that has continued since ancient times. We are the embodiment of this enduring tenderness. From time to time, I look at my family tree. Just think about the immense amount of care and tenderness from others that has been bestowed upon my ancestors, allowing me to be here today. Without a heart for each other, we could not have built civilization. I also think our future depends on this tender heart.
온실과 보호자들⠀72.7 x 60.6cm Oil on canvas 2022

온실과 보호자들⠀72.7 x 60.6cm Oil on canvas 2022
Bestowing Warmth, Coloring the World⠀116.8 x 91cm Oil on canvas 2022
Often, we meet people who see the world as if the color has faded away. Especially for those suffering from sadness, the world may appear grayer. However, the power to bring color back into this ashen world could come from the kindness of others. In a painting, one character might provide warmth, while another receives it. Through these exchanges, 'life', symbolized by vibrant plants, begins to flourish. Meanwhile, someone is watching every moment, observing not only the events within the surface of the painting but also the reality outside,-in our own world.

Bestowing Warmth, Coloring the World⠀116.8 x 91cm Oil on canvas 2022Often, we meet people who see the world as if the color has faded away. Especially for those suffering from sadness, the world may appear grayer. However, the power to bring color back into this ashen world could come from the kindness of others. In a painting, one character might provide warmth, while another receives it. Through these exchanges, 'life', symbolized by vibrant plants, begins to flourish. Meanwhile, someone is watching every moment, observing not only the events within the surface of the painting but also the reality outside,-in our own world.
다정한 사람들의 상륙⠀45.5 x 53cm Oil on canvas 2023

다정한 사람들의 상륙⠀45.5 x 53cm Oil on canvas 2023
온기의 파편⠀27.3 x 27.3cm Oil on panel 2022

온기의 파편⠀27.3 x 27.3cm Oil on panel 2022